Only if you’re a coach and a speaker, it’s time you...

Speak to Scale

your coaching program sales

Only if you’re a Coach & a

Speaker, it’s time for you to...

Speak to Scale

your Premium Value
program sales

Challenges Hosted In:


Premium Value

Offers Sold






$160,000 In 5 Days with just 11 Attendees

Benny is a speaker and coach…

When we started, he was struggling to sell his $3k coaching

program through sales calls and speaking engagements…

We planned a quantum challenge and got the whole system ready…

But surprisingly two corporate leaders were watching him speak on the 5 day challenge…

When he finished, they both were so impressed that they ended up hiring him for corporate coaching at $50k and $70k each…

Therefore, collecting $55k in cash and $160k in

Revenue in just 5 days with only 11 attendees.

Are Challenges for your coaching business?

  • If you’re not sure where your next coaching client
    is coming from or ‘when’ you’ll land one.

  • If you’re tired of being salesy and trying to sell your
    coaching program to every other individual you meet.

  • If you have grown tired of taking endless sales calls or
    managing a team of sales people.

  • If you don’t have a big list or large audience to simply
    put a story and fill your coaching program.

  • If you are tired selling low ticket offers and hoping they
    would buy into your premium value offers some day.

  • If you want to sell for just 30 minutes a month rather than selling every hour every single day of the month and yet sell more than you currently do in a month (if not the whole year) without taking a single sales call.

  • If you are a speaker and want to speak your way into multiple six figure month without having to do more than just speaking.

If you said Yes to any of these, it’s time you step into challenges.

$160,000 In 5 Days
with just 11 Attendees

Benny is a speaker and coach…

When we started, he was struggling to sell his $3k coaching program through sales calls and speaking engagements…

We planned a quantum challenge and got the whole system ready…

But surprisingly two corporate leaders were watching him speak on the 5 day challenge…

When he finished, they both were so impressed that they ended up hiring him for corporate coaching at $50k and $70k each…

Therefore, collecting $55k in cash and $160k in Revenue in just 5 days with only 11 attendees.

Are Challenges for your

coaching business?

  • If you’re not sure where your next coaching client is coming from or ‘when’ you’ll land one.

  • If you’re tired of being salesy and trying to sell your coaching program to every other individual you meet.

  • If you have grown tired of taking endless sales calls or managing a team of sales people.

  • If you don’t have a big list or large audience to simply put a story and fill your coaching program.

  • If you are tired selling low ticket offers and hoping they would buy into your premium value offers some day.

  • If you want to sell for just 30 minutes a month rather than selling every hour every single day of the month and yet sell more than you currently do in a month (if not the whole year) without taking a single sales call.

  • If you are a speaker and want to speak your way into multiple six figure month without having to do more than just speaking.

If you said Yes to any of these, it’s time
you step into challenges.

A Message from the

Challenge Beast

I was just a 19 year old kid trying to make money online. Got to a point where I was serving a lot of clients with my funnels. Made them 100s of thousands of dollars and millions but I never felt fulfilled.

Until I was working with a client and I accidentally made him $160k in just 5 days with our challenge model. What connected with me even more was the fact that almost all 11 of his challenge attendees sent him a personalized text saying he changed their lives forever.

5 Days. 10 Hours. More money than a whole month/year. And transforming lives? I was hooked.

I went on to join 40+ challenges, paid thousands of dollars, to just understand the real reason behind why it works.

Until I found the Quantum Secret.

A Message from the

Challenge Beast

"I was just a 19 year old kid trying to make money online. Got to a point where I was serving a lot of clients with my funnels. Made them 100s of thousands of dollars and millions but I never felt fulfilled.

Until I was working with a client and I accidentally made him $160k in just 5 days with our challenge model. What connected with me even more was the fact that almost all 11 of his challenge attendees sent him a personalized text saying he changed their lives forever.

5 Days. 10 Hours. More money than a whole month/year. And transforming lives? I was hooked.

I went on to join 40+ challenges, paid thousands of dollars, to just understand the real reason behind why it works.

Until I found the Quantum Secret."

Important Lessons & Results

From Our Clients' 5 Day Challenges

We think more than results, lessons are important. Here are some

of the MOST important lessons we’ve learned.

Concept Challenge: Fitness

This challenge would target a very specific group of entrepreneurs who are looking to get stage-fit fast for an upcoming event. The idea here was to create a challenge around such a specific problem that would stand out from the competition since there is a lot of noise in the fitness space.

Lesson We Learned:

The more specific you can get on the problem you’re trying to solve with your challenge, the better results you will get.

Government Contracting

Small businesses can really make a fortune by simply adding government contracts. Our coach here planned to train business owners in the US to learn how to get government contracts and take projects from them worth over 5 and 6 figures.

Lesson We Learned:

Create a challenge around something you love to do so you don't give it up while it's all done & it’s okay to change your direction early if you don’t feel fulfilled.


Didn’t execute the challenge
(She changed her niche)

Challenge Redesign: Myron Golden

We redesigned Dr. Myron Golden’s challenge funnel to make sure his branding matches his personality. Myron Golden is one of the best business coaches on the planet! This was given to him by us as a gift of gratitude for his impact on our lives.

Lesson We Learned:

Let the branding of your funnels match the weight of your personality.

Real Estate Investing

This challenge was around how to invest in rental properties and create wealth in the real estate market. It was a challenge with two hosts.

Lesson We Learned:

Start Marketing your challenge from Day 1 of your deciding to do one. Also, if you don’t have proof yet or a huge following, start with an offer at $3000. Selling a $30k offer requires a lot of proof or trust.


Because of no marketing 6 attendees joined the challenge, and only 2 were coming every day. And because of so few people, and a huge offer worth $30k, there was No revenue from this challenge.

Own Challenge In India

This is a challenge done by Muz on how to launch your high ticket coaching programs using challenges solely for the Indian Audience. This was one where people could figure out every detail of their challenge.

Lesson We Learned:

Free challenges with low ticket offers work better in India than paid challenges having high ticket offers.


4 attendees and 3 purchased the offer.

Total Cash Collected:

$2800+ with $6400 in Revenue.

Grants Coach

This challenge was around getting high value grants from the government for businesses in the US. This challenge was one of the best rated challenge by our challenge attendees.

Lesson We Learned:

Because of health issues the coach couldn’t do Day 5 or Day 6 (BONUS) of the challenge training. So he had to do a session next Monday with the pitch. Therefore, any time there’s a chance of illness, it’s better to postpone the entire event. (Of course, the illness cannot be foreseen but if we get a slightest idea, it’s better to postpone).


17-20 people actively attending challenge trainings (7 in VIP). $6500 Cash collected from challenge sign ups. $10,000 in Offer Deposit from 5 conversions + $7500 monthly recurring revenue for 12 months.

Total Cash Collected:

$24,000+ with $106,500 in Revenue.

Tax Coach

Kirk's challenge is about saving taxes by creating a Family Foundation. It’s coming soon…

Challenge Yet To Happen...

Public Speaking Coach

This challenge was for entrepreneurs or coaches who want to get into the public speaking game. Benny would help them get ready for the stage and also help them land gigs. We had multiple offers like the coaching call, 1-on-1 coaching, and also an organization team training contract.

Lesson We Learned:

If you have a winning challenge, execute it every month to make more from each.


11 challenge attendees with 2 VIPs.

Total Cash Collected:

$55,000+ with $160,000+ in Revenue.

Best Seller Book Coach

Don will be helping you write a bestseller book and also help you make this an asset by launching a 6 Figure business out of it. It’s coming soon…

Challenge Yet To Happen...

Tax Coach

This was a challenge on getting 6 Figure Cybersecurity Jobs. Our Coach here had his first time connecting with his audience through this challenge.

Result #1:

We sold 44 tickets to the challenge and made $10,700 just through sign ups. Just because of some pitch issues, we got 7 deposits to the main offer. And one of those deposits did the full $6k payment.

Result #2:

On Second challenge, we got 27 sign ups that made us $10,419 with $0 spent on marketing or ads. At the end we pitched a $10k offer, 3 people paid $2000 deposit and one of them ended up getting the payment plan and paid $3k where the other $6k will be collected within next 2 months.

Result #3:

On the third challenge, we got 34 sign ups that made us $22,498 in the sign ups where we used a masterclass to sell platinum tickets only.

Result #4:

On the fourth challenge, 111 people joined the challenge with 87 platinum members who joined at $597 each. Others were General Admission and VIP who joined at $197 and $397 respectively. Two people paid for $25k offer, one of them paid it on the SPOT! We got another 28 people sign up for the $12k offer.

Result #5:

On the fifth challenge, there were close to 250 people who joined the challenge. Out of which around 150 were platinum members who joined at $597. At the end, 40 people paid the deposit for the $12k offer only.

Lesson We Learned:

1. Create and market a lead magnet before bringing them to the challenge.

2. Cold Traffic directly to a challenge funnel has a very high CPA.

3. Never say ‘You have time to take the offer’ on the pitch. It will spoil the sign-ups.

4. Use challenges as a way to know your audience inside out. In this challenge, when the attendees demanded a payment plan, our coach said ‘I never knew you guys even needed one’.

5. Introduce a comparing pricing by offering two or three options. If you don't give an option for them to compare, the audience will compare it with another program.

6. Use automated webinars to sell the platinum ticket at $497/$597 on automation. This skyrocketed the number of attendees on our challenge.

7. Make the challenge platinum ticket your core offer, and use all possible ways to sell that (book upsells, automated webinars, talks, podcasts, social media, etc.)

8. Test just ONE thing at a time. On our fifth challenge, the conversion dropped from 27% of total attendees to 16% because we brought in a funding partner to pitch the funding option in the breakout room + raised the deposit from $1k to $1.6k.

9. Automate understanding how to apply for the funding after they pay the deposit by creating a landing page after the deposit with a full in-depth video that walks the prospects through the options and how to apply.

10. FAST Customer support. The more active the support team is when it comes to resolving the errors, the better conversions and experience of the attendees.

11. Dedicate the whole time for the challenge that is allotted for it.

12. Stand with the team and answer questions your prospects ask in the Q&A with confidence. The more questions they ask, the better because it shows they want to buy.

Total Cash Collected:

Challenge 1: $23700 Cash Collected.

Challenge 2: $19,419 Cash Collected with $25,419 in Revenue.

Challenge 3: $22,498 Cash Collected in ticket sales alone.

Challenge 4: $440,000+ Revenue

Challenge 5: $570,000+ Revenue

Let Us Help You Get The

Same Results...

Important Lessons &

Results From Our Clients'

5 Day Challenges

We think more than results, lessons are important. Here are some of the MOST important lessons we’ve learned.

Concept Challenge: Fitness

This challenge would target a very specific group of entrepreneurs who are looking to get stage-fit fast for an upcoming event. The idea here was to create a challenge around such a specific problem that would stand out from the competition since there is a lot of noise in the fitness space.

Lesson We Learned:

The more specific you can get on the problem you’re trying to solve with your challenge, the better results you will get.

Government Contracting

Small businesses can really make a fortune by simply adding government contracts. Our coach here planned to train business owners in the US to learn how to get government contracts and take projects from them worth over 5 and 6 figures.

Lesson We Learned:

Create a challenge around something you love to do so you don't give it up while it's all done & it’s okay to change your direction early if you don’t feel fulfilled.


Didn’t execute the challenge
(She changed her niche)

Challenge Redesign: Myron Golden

We redesigned Dr. Myron Golden’s challenge funnel to make sure his branding matches his personality. Myron Golden is one of the best business coaches on the planet! This was given to him by us as a gift of gratitude for his impact on our lives.

Lesson We Learned:

Let the branding of your funnels match the weight of your personality.

Real Estate Investing

This challenge was around how to invest in rental properties and create wealth in the real estate market. It was a challenge with two hosts.

Lesson We Learned:

Start Marketing your challenge from Day 1 of your deciding to do one. Also, if you don’t have proof yet or a huge following, start with an offer at $3000. Selling a $30k offer requires a lot of proof or trust.


Because of no marketing 6 attendees joined the challenge, and only 2 were coming every day. And because of so few people, and a huge offer worth $30k, there was No revenue from this challenge.

Own Challenge In India

This is a challenge done by Muz on how to launch your high ticket coaching programs using challenges solely for the Indian Audience. This was one where people could figure out every detail of their challenge.

Lesson We Learned:

Free challenges with low ticket offers work better in India than paid challenges having high ticket offers.


4 attendees and 3 purchased the offer.

Total Cash Collected:

$2800+ with $6400 in Revenue.

Grants Coach

This challenge was around getting high value grants from the government for businesses in the US. This challenge was one of the best rated challenge by our challenge attendees.

Lesson We Learned:

Because of health issues the coach couldn’t do Day 5 or Day 6 (BONUS) of the challenge training. So he had to do a session next Monday with the pitch. Therefore, any time there’s a chance of illness, it’s better to postpone the entire event. (Of course, the illness cannot be foreseen but if we get a slightest idea, it’s better to postpone).


17-20 people actively attending challenge trainings (7 in VIP). $6500 Cash collected from challenge sign ups. $10,000 in Offer Deposit from 5 conversions + $7500 monthly recurring revenue for 12 months.

Total Cash Collected:

$24,000+ with $106,500 in Revenue.

Tax Coach

Kirk's challenge is about saving taxes by creating a Family Foundation. It’s coming soon…

Challenge Yet To Happen...

Public Speaking Coach

This challenge was for entrepreneurs or coaches who want to get into the public speaking game. Benny would help them get ready for the stage and also help them land gigs. We had multiple offers like the coaching call, 1-on-1 coaching, and also an organization team training contract.

Lesson We Learned:

If you have a winning challenge, execute it every month to make more from each.


11 challenge attendees with 2 VIPs.

Total Cash Collected:

$55,000+ with $160,000+ in Revenue.

Best Seller Book Coach

Don will be helping you write a bestseller book and also help you make this an asset by launching a 6 Figure business out of it. It’s coming soon…

Challenge Yet To Happen...

Tax Coach

This was a challenge on getting 6 Figure Cybersecurity Jobs. Our Coach here had his first time connecting with his audience through this challenge.

Result #1:

We sold 44 tickets to the challenge and made $10,700 just through sign ups. Just because of some pitch issues, we got 7 deposits to the main offer. And one of those deposits did the full $6k payment.

Result #2:

On Second challenge, we got 27 sign ups that made us $10,419 with $0 spent on marketing or ads. At the end we pitched a $10k offer, 3 people paid $2000 deposit and one of them ended up getting the payment plan and paid $3k where the other $6k will be collected within next 2 months.

Result #3:

On the third challenge, we got 34 sign ups that made us $22,498 in the sign ups where we used a masterclass to sell platinum tickets only.

Result #4:

On the fourth challenge, 111 people joined the challenge with 87 platinum members who joined at $597 each. Others were General Admission and VIP who joined at $197 and $397 respectively. Two people paid for $25k offer, one of them paid it on the SPOT! We got another 28 people sign up for the $12k offer.

Result #5:

On the fifth challenge, there were close to 250 people who joined the challenge. Out of which around 150 were platinum members who joined at $597. At the end, 40 people paid the deposit for the $12k offer only.

Lesson We Learned:

1. Create and market a lead magnet before bringing them to the challenge.

2. Cold Traffic directly to a challenge funnel has a very high CPA.

3. Never say ‘You have time to take the offer’ on the pitch. It will spoil the sign-ups.

4. Use challenges as a way to know your audience inside out. In this challenge, when the attendees demanded a payment plan, our coach said ‘I never knew you guys even needed one’.

5. Introduce a comparing pricing by offering two or three options. If you don't give an option for them to compare, the audience will compare it with another program.

6. Use automated webinars to sell the platinum ticket at $497/$597 on automation. This skyrocketed the number of attendees on our challenge.

7. Make the challenge platinum ticket your core offer, and use all possible ways to sell that (book upsells, automated webinars, talks, podcasts, social media, etc.)

8. Test just ONE thing at a time. On our fifth challenge, the conversion dropped from 27% of total attendees to 16% because we brought in a funding partner to pitch the funding option in the breakout room + raised the deposit from $1k to $1.6k.

9. Automate understanding how to apply for the funding after they pay the deposit by creating a landing page after the deposit with a full in-depth video that walks the prospects through the options and how to apply.

10. FAST Customer support. The more active the support team is when it comes to resolving the errors, the better conversions and experience of the attendees.

11. Dedicate the whole time for the challenge that is allotted for it.

12. Stand with the team and answer questions your prospects ask in the Q&A with confidence. The more questions they ask, the better because it shows they want to buy.

Total Cash Collected:

Challenge 1: $23700 Cash Collected.

Challenge 2: $19,419 Cash Collected with $25,419 in Revenue.

Challenge 3: $22,498 Cash Collected in ticket sales alone.

Challenge 4: $440,000+ Revenue

Challenge 5: $570,000+ Revenue

Let Us Help You Get The

Same Results...

How We Execute Multi-Six Figure

Challenges Every Month

How We Execute Multi-
Six Figure Challenges
Every Month

And see how this system can be applied

to your coaching business.

Start obsessing over your
Clients before obsessing
over your offers!

Start obsessing over your Clients before obsessing over your offers!

Know Your Audience
Inside-Out With Challenges

One of our clients who we helped launch a challenge for the first time ever had a conversation with his prospects in the VIP Zoom Rooms. He didn’t have any idea that his audience couldn’t afford even a $2000 program and wanted to have a payment plan. When they asked for it, he said ‘I never knew you guys wanted this’.

Because of this only 1 person paid in full @$6000 for his program while the remaining 6 who paid the $1000 as a deposit didn’t move forward.

Guess what, the next time he does his challenge or even tries to sell his program by simply introducing a payment plan, he could increase the sales by 85%.

The only way to become a niche leader is to know your prospects so well that you could resolve any of their objections/obstacles before they even show up.

Know Your Audience
Inside-Out With Challenges

One of our clients who we helped launch a challenge for the first time ever had a conversation with his prospects in the VIP Zoom Rooms. He didn’t have any idea that his audience couldn’t afford even a $2000 program and wanted to have a payment plan. When they asked for it, he said ‘I never knew you guys wanted this’.

Because of this only 1 person paid in full @$6000 for his program while the remaining 6 who paid the $1000 as a deposit didn’t move forward.

Guess what, the next time he does his challenge or even tries to sell his program by simply introducing a payment plan, he could increase the sales by 85%.

The only way to become a niche leader is to know your prospects so well that you could resolve any of their objections/obstacles before they even show up.

Some Frequently Asked

Questions Answered By Muz

 Why are you obsessed with Challenges?

Remember the story I shared about how we accidentally made one of our clients $55k in cash collected in 5 days with $160k in revenue? What I connected the most with that was that almost all 11 of the attendees in the challenge reached out to our client to say a heart-felt thank you for changing their lives in just 5 days.

That has become my 'Why' ever since. I believe the fastest way to transform your audience's lives is through challenge.

I have no idea how to fill my challenges. Will you help me fill the challenge?

We have 'marketing' included in our offer. We don't only create the challenge system for you but also fill it so you can just focus on transforming your audience's lives.

 What do I have to do once we start working together?

When we start working together, we'll book a strategy call with you where we will sit down to form a strategy. We will just take 7 days after that call to set all the initial buildout (like funnel, automations, etc.). We get on a second call with you to review everything.

Once you approve, we start the marketing campaign to fill your challenge. (We give you scripts to record ad videos, we would just want you to send the recorded videos)

Then you just show up on the 5 Day Challenge to speak and sell.

I have a proven offer but haven’t sold it at a higher ticket price yet, what can we do about it?

Two Options: Either we can help you raise your price while creating an irresistible offer to sell during the challenge OR create free challenges for you so that you can scale the same proven offer (if the offer price is less than $3,000).

I have no idea what to say in my challenges. Will you help me figure it out?

We discuss the topics for each day of the challenge on the strategy session. So you will know exactly what topic to speak on each day.

Should I do a 3 day or a 5 day challenge?

It really depends on your target audience. The higher level of entrepreneurs or busy audience you try to target, the lesser number of days are better for them. For anyone else, 5 Days are a sweet spot.

What results do you guarantee if I choose to work with you?

We don't do one-off challenges. When we choose to work together, we will do it for 6 months, 6 challenges.

If you have a big following, big list, or the plan you choose to go with, we can guarantee a six figure challenge on the first ever challenge. Over 6 months, we will make you a Million Dollars.

If you are just starting out, don't have a big audience/big list, good connections, understand that the process will take time. We will start the marketing campaigns to build you a fresh list and get people into your challenge.

But we do guarantee that you will make at least 3 times your current monthly revenue in 5 days by the end of our tenure even if you don't have a single follower.

What if my first challenge bombs?

We will work on getting the next one better. Know that doing challenges is a learning curve for you as a coach as well.

Our client did $23k for 3 challenges continuously and hardly broke even. The same client made $440k+ and $570k+ on his 4th and 5th Challenge.

How soon are we doing our first challenge once I commit?

When we start, you will have your challenge funnel ready to market in just 7 days. Two to three weeks into marketing. You speak on your first challenge in the 4th or the 5th week.

I don't have any knowledge about tech or how these funnels work, can I still work with you?

We handle all tech, design, automations, emails, sms, etc. anything that is necessary to make your challenge a success we do it. You have to just speak.

Challenge yourself to Master your Audience

and become a niche leader.

Some Frequently Asked Questions Answered By Muz

 Why are you obsessed with Challenges?

Remember the story I shared about how we accidentally made one of our clients $55k in cash collected in 5 days with $160k in revenue? What I connected the most with that was that almost all 11 of the attendees in the challenge reached out to our client to say a heart-felt thank you for changing their lives in just 5 days.

That has become my 'Why' ever since. I believe the fastest way to transform your audience's lives is through challenge.

I have no idea how to fill my challenges. Will you help me fill the challenge?

We have 'marketing' included in our offer. We don't only create the challenge system for you but also fill it so you can just focus on transforming your audience's lives.

 What do I have to do once we start working together?

When we start working together, we'll book a strategy call with you where we will sit down to form a strategy. We will just take 7 days after that call to set all the initial buildout (like funnel, automations, etc.). We get on a second call with you to review everything.

Once you approve, we start the marketing campaign to fill your challenge. (We give you scripts to record ad videos, we would just want you to send the recorded videos)

Then you just show up on the 5 Day Challenge to speak and sell.

I have a proven offer but haven’t sold it at a higher ticket price yet, what can we do about it?

Two Options: Either we can help you raise your price while creating an irresistible offer to sell during the challenge OR create free challenges for you so that you can scale the same proven offer (if the offer price is less than $3,000).

I have no idea what to say in my challenges. Will you help me figure it out?

We discuss the topics for each day of the challenge on the strategy session. So you will know exactly what topic to speak on each day.

Should I do a 3 day or a 5 day challenge?

It really depends on your target audience. The higher level of entrepreneurs or busy audience you try to target, the lesser number of days are better for them. For anyone else, 5 Days are a sweet spot.

What results do you guarantee if I choose to work with you?

We don't do one-off challenges. When we choose to work together, we will do it for 6 months, 6 challenges.

If you have a big following, big list, or the plan you choose to go with, we can guarantee a six figure challenge on the first ever challenge. Over 6 months, we will make you a Million Dollars.

If you are just starting out, don't have a big audience/big list, good connections, understand that the process will take time. We will start the marketing campaigns to build you a fresh list and get people into your challenge.

But we do guarantee that you will make at least 3 times your current monthly revenue in 5 days by the end of our tenure even if you don't have a single follower.

What if my first challenge bombs?

We will work on getting the next one better. Know that doing challenges is a learning curve for you as a coach as well.

Our client did $23k for 3 challenges continuously and hardly broke even. The same client made $440k+ and $570k+ on his 4th and 5th Challenge.

How soon are we doing our first challenge once I commit?

When we start, you will have your challenge funnel ready to market in just 7 days. Two to three weeks into marketing. You speak on your first challenge in the 4th or the 5th week.

I don't have any knowledge about tech or how these funnels work, can I still work with you?

We handle all tech, design, automations, emails, sms, etc. anything that is necessary to make your challenge a success we do it. You have to just speak.

Challenge yourself to Master your Audience and become a niche leader.

Listen to the Beyond Challenges Podcast

The Only Podcast dedicated to 5 Day Challenges is hosted by Muz. Listen to everything you’d need to launch and execute a successful challenge for your coaching business. Click Here to Listen Now.

Listen to the Beyond

Challenges Podcast

The Only Podcast dedicated to 5 Day Challenges is hosted by Muz. Listen to everything you’d need to launch and execute a successful challenge for your coaching business. Click Here to Listen Now.

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Terms & Conditions | Copyright 2023 | The Challenge Beasts

All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Refund Policy

Terms & Conditions | Copyright 2023 | The Challenge Beasts